
In today's world, sustainability isn't a luxury, it's a necessity for every business. By each of us doing our part, we collectively offer each other another chance. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), Core Principles & Long Term Strategy are core to our business model.

One Planet One Home

The days of profit over planet are long gone, and we have embraced those values to our core. Success is only such when it's providing for the people without harming their very home. At CMI Group Inc., we believe in a future where both planet and people can thrive.

Sustainability & Profitability

At CMI Group, we believe that sustainability and profitability can coexist. Investing for a better future for our planet is not mutually exclusive from a better future for our company. By building Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) into our long-term strategy, our company is looking to make a positive impact in both futures.

Accountability & Benchmarks

In this evolving economy, GDP is no longer the sole metric being tracked, nor the only way to measure economic success. By building ESG into our operations, and introducing new metrics and benchmarks which are measured by profit and social good, accountability is introduced. In the last decade, it’s been shown that companies with ESG at its core offer sustainable growth, mitigate risk and post higher annual returns.
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CMI Group Inc. | Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about the CMI Group - Please contact us with any additional questions you may have using our contact form.